Mr Vinay Kumar Rana will provide you some information about the five
safety Rules that you must follow while driving. Mr Vinay Kumar Rana advises everyone
to Follow Traffic Rules.
1: Never Drink and Drive
This is the golden rule of
driving. Never ever drive if you are drunk because alcohol causes a number of
impairments that lead to the car accidents. Even at low blood-alcohol levels,
intoxication reduces the reaction time, lowers the guessing power and lowers
inhibitions. At higher levels of alcohol, it causes blurred vision and even
loss of consciousness.
2: Always Wear Your Seat Belt
It is the most essential
thing to do for a car driver. A seat belt is must as they prevent you from
being thrown around the inside of a crashing vehicle or thrown through the
windshield and flung completely out of vehicle during any misfortune and thus
saves your life. According to a report, wearing a seat belt reduce the risk of
fatal injury by 45% to 50%.
3: Follow Three Second Rule – Don’t Follow Too Closely
It is highly recommended to
the car drivers to keep a safe distance between themselves and the car ahead.
Because the other vehicle makes a sudden turn or stop, then the driver needs enough
time to react in that situation. As it can be very difficult to estimate the
recommended distance while driving and the exact distance would have it be
adjusted for speed, so most experts recommend a “three-second rule”.
4: Always Avoid the Distractions
While driving, any kind of
distraction like taking on cell phones, applying make-up, eating food etc. is a
very idea as drivers are not able to give their full attention to the road and
their reaction time becomes slower as a result. And this can cause severe
damage to the life and property as well. Many studies have shown that these
distractions reduce the reaction time to a very large extant.
5: Never Run a Red Signal
Running a red light is one
of the most common causes for road accidents. When you try to run a red light,
you take the risk that another car will turn or pull out in front of you right
into your path. Moreover, it is equally likely that a pedestrian step out into
the crosswalk. All these things can lead to very serious accidents and no one
will be at fault except you.
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