Mr Vinay Kumar Rana will provide you some information about the five safety Rules that you must follow while driving. Mr Vinay Kumar Rana advises everyone to Follow Traffic Rules. 1: Never Drink and Drive This is the golden rule of driving. Never ever drive if you are drunk because alcohol causes a number of impairments that lead to the car accidents. Even at low blood-alcohol levels, intoxication reduces the reaction time, lowers the guessing power and lowers inhibitions. At higher levels of alcohol, it causes blurred vision and even loss of consciousness. 2: Always Wear Your Seat Belt It is the most essential thing to do for a car driver. A seat belt is must as they prevent you from being thrown around the inside of a crashing vehicle or thrown through the windshield and flung completely out of vehicle during any misfortune and thus saves your life. According to a report, wearing a seat belt reduce the risk of fatal injury by 45% to 50%. 3: Follow Thre...